Funded Projects in GaNius I


I – Materials, technology and devices

II – Device models and control (Power IC)

III – Bi-directional devices and topologies

Cluster I

Cluster II

Cluster III

Project nameInstitutionResearcherCluster
Electronic transport of polarization-induced, two-dimensional electron gases with extremely high sheet carrier density for ScAlN/GaN-based power devices (ScNius)Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Nachhaltige Technische Systeme – INATECHOliver Ambacher, Ali YassineI
Electronic transport of polarization-induced, two-dimensional electron gases with extremely high sheet carrier density for ScAlN/GaN-based power devices (ScNius)TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institut für Angewandte PhysikJohannes Heitmann, Peter Fischer, Alexander SchmidI
Planar and Vertical Junctions for innovative GaN-Based High-Power DevicesOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Institut für Physik (IfP)Jürgen Christen, Holger Eisele, Gordon Schmidt, Konstantin WeinI
Planar and Vertical Junctions for innovative GaN-Based High-Power DevicesRWTH Aachen, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Technologie der VerbindungshalbleiterAndrei Vescan, Qi ShuI
Transition metal-nitride-AlGaN layers for electronic applications by sputtering epitaxyOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Abt. HalbleiterepitaxieArmin Dadgar, Christopher LüttichI
Transition metal-nitride-AlGaN layers for electronic applications by sputtering epitaxyOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Abt. MaterialphysikMartin Feneberg, Jona GrümbelI
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsTU Berlin, Chair of Power ElectronicsSibylle Dieckerhoff, Viktoria SchwarzottII, III
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsFerdinand Braun Institut, GaN Power Electronic Devices LabOliver Hilt, Houssam HalhoulI, III
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsFerdinand Braun Institut, Transmitter & ReceiverAndreas Wentzel, Thomas HoffmannII
Modelling and characterization of GaN-HEMT devices with respect to effects of charge carrier trappingKIT, Leistungselektronische SystemeMarc Hiller, Philipp SwobodaII
Modelling and characterization of GaN-HEMT devices with respect to effects of charge carrier trappingKIT, Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls- und MikrowellentechnikMartin Sack, Ivan VorotiahinII
Conformal 3D Ceramic-Based Intelligent GaN Power Systems-in-Package (3D-CeraGaN)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Robuste Leistungs­halbleiter­systemeIngmar Kallfass, Manuel RueßII
Conformal 3D Ceramic-Based Intelligent GaN Power Systems-in-Package (3D-CeraGaN)Universität Stuttgart, Institut für MikrointegrationAndré Zimmermann, Peter MackI
Adaptive GaN gate driver with inductive feed-forward for highest efficiency (AGaNDrive)Universität Duisburg-Essen, Elektronische Bauelemente und SchaltungenAnton Grabmaier, Rainer Kokozinski, Markus DiekmannII
Adaptive GaN gate driver with inductive feed-forward for highest efficiency (AGaNDrive)TU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl EnergiewandlungMartin Pfost, Céline LawniczakII
Monolithically Integrated Bidirectional GaN-Based Switch enabling Self-Healing Multi-Winding DC/DC ConvertersCAU Kiel, Chair of Power ElectronicsMarco Liserre, Thiago PereiraIII
Monolithically Integrated Bidirectional GaN-Based Switch enabling Self-Healing Multi-Winding DC/DC ConvertersRWTH Aachen, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Technologie der VerbindungshalbleiterAndrei Vescan, Jasmin EhrlerI, III
Modelling and Assessment of Threshold Voltage Instabilities in p-gate GaN HEMTsTU Dortmund, Lehrstuhl EnergiewandlungMartin Pfost, Thorsten OederII
Modelling and Assessment of Threshold Voltage Instabilities in p-gate GaN HEMTsTU Berlin, Chair of Power ElectronicsSibylle DieckerhoffII
GaN-Enabled Three-Phase PFC-Rectifier Family in CCM-Boost Mode Employing Only Two HF-Switches and Inductors for Low Common Mode and Simplified Power ArchitecturesUniversität Paderborn, Leistungselektronik und Elektrische AntriebstechnikFrank Schafmeister, Saurav DasIII
Aluminum Nitride for vertical Power ElectronicsTU Braunschweig, Institut für HalbleitertechnikAndreas Waag, Klaas StrempelI
Aluminum Nitride for vertical Power ElectronicsFriedrich-Alexander-Universität, Lehrstuhl für OptoelektronikBernd Witzigmann, Samuel FaberI

Funded Projects in GaNius II


I – Characterization and Long-Term Stability

II – Device Applications including Bidirectional Switches

III – Integration

Project nameInstitutionResearchersCluster
Determining the Temperature of GaN based power semiconductors based on Temperature Sensitive Paramaters (TSEP)Universität BayreuthMark Bakran, Andreas BäumlerI
ReToGaN – Investigations of Reliability, Parameter Stability and Topologies for GaN-Based Power ElectronicsTechnische Universität ChemnitzThomas Basler, Gengqi LiI
ReToGaN – Investigations of Reliability, Parameter Stability and Topologies for GaN-Based Power ElectronicsUniversität KasselJens Friebe, Yasser Yousefi ZandabadI
Modelling and Characterization of GaN-HEMTs under Stress Conditions in Power Electronic SystemsTechnische Universität BerlinSibylle DieckerhoffI
Modelling and Characterization of GaN-HEMTs under Stress Conditions in Power Electronic SystemsTechnische Universität DortmundMartin PfostI
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsTechnische Universität BerlinSibylle Dieckerhoff, Jonas SchlindweinII, III
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsFerdinand-Braun-Institut BerlinOliver HiltII, III
High Frequency Switching Power Converters based on AlN-based Power TransistorsFerdinand-Braun-Institut BerlinAndreas WentzelII, III
GaN-HEMT Driver utilizing Alternative Control and Feed-Forward Techniques (GaNdalf)Universität Duisburg EssenAnton GrabmaierII, III
GaN-HEMT Driver utilizing Alternative Control and Feed-Forward Techniques (GaNdalf)Technische Universität DortmundMartin PfostII, III
Characterization and Application of GaN-HEMTs at Cryogenic TemperaturesKarlsruher Institut für TechnologieMarc HillerI
Highly-Efficient, Isolated Multi-MHz GaN-based DC-DC Converters with Active Diode RectificationUniversität StuttgartIngmar Kallfass, Manuel RueßII
Highly-Efficient, Isolated Multi-MHz GaN-based DC-DC Converters with Active Diode RectificationFriedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-NürnbergMartin März, Nikolai WeitzII
Exploiting GaN Devices for Drive Inverters and Drive Inverters for GaN Devices (DriveForGaN)Otto-von-Guericke-Universität MagdeburgAndreas Lindemann, Tianyu LiI, II, III
Exploiting GaN Devices for Drive Inverters and Drive Inverters for GaN Devices (DriveForGaN)Technische Universität BraunschweigRegine Mallwitz, Minjia ChenI, II, III
Performance Evaluation of Soft-and Hard-Switched Inverters Based on Monolithically-Integrated Bidirectional GaN DevicesChristian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielMarco Liserre, Reza BarzgarkhoIII
Bidirectional-GaN-based Soft-switched Current Source ConvertersTechnische Universität MünchenMarcelo Lobo Heldwein, Christos LeontarisIII
Toward chip-scale Off-line Power supplies in GaN: Advancing monolithic GaN analog and mixed signal circuit design for high-efficiency and highly integrated power-factor correction (PFC) convertersLeibniz Universität HannoverBernhard Wicht, Niklas DenekeII